BUY now High Performance Advanced International Trial Bite Sleeve (Schutzhund Training /Trial Bite Sleeve
Advanced International Trial Bite Sleeve-Hard Dog Bite SleeveBite Train your dog on competition level with official judges choice of the WUSV
All 3 judges have tested and approved this sleeve as official sleeve of the WUSV
* Jurgen Ritzi - Germany
* Gunther Diegel - Germany
* Peter Mayerl - Austria
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If you want different bite sleeve cover please click here to see all the b
ite sleeve covers we currently make and offer.Key futures of this bite sleeve:
- Durable interior and exterior materials
- Padded handle inside of the sleeve
- Plastic extra protection shoulder shield
- Leather belt for sleeve cover secure attachment
- Perfect bite area angle

Schutzhund Protection Bite Sleeve
Intended use for this bite sleeve
* Schutzhund training
* Schutzhund Trial, Competition, Championship
* Bite sleeve training of adult experienced dog